The key factor in your metabolism is flexibility

Metabolic flexibility is the ability of the human body to switch back and forth between fat and carbohydrates based on their availability

Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Mark Hyman

One of the things that I really love about Lumen is that everyday Lumen tells me how to adjust my nutrition plan based on my body’s actual needs.

Benefits of metabolic flexibility

Your metabolism can be improved, just like your body gets stronger and fitter from working out. Improving your metabolic efficiency leads to:

Natural Weight Loss
Lumen helps improve your metabolic flexibility which
allows you to lose weight in a sustainable way.
Less Snacking
Lumen helps you improve your body’s ability to burn fat which decreases your hunger levels and makes your body less dependent on snacking.
Energy & Mood Boost
Increase your energy levels by developing a high functioning metabolism.
Improved Overall Health
Lumen helps you improve your metabolic flexibility, your body's efficiency in shifting between using fats and carbs.
Enhanced Weight Maintenance
Developing a flexible metabolism allows your body to maintain a healthy weight by optimizing the body’s ability to burn fat.

Nutrition personalized to your physiology

Lumen provides the insights you need daily to understand how your diet impacts your body, and guidance to keep you on track.

Personalized meal  recommendations in a phone
Personalized meal
Real-time daily metabolic insights  in a phone
Real-time daily
metabolic insights
Sustainable tailored eating plans  in a phone
Sustainable tailored
eating plans
2 smiling people one holding a phone and the other holding a Lumen device

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