
Lumen’s accuracy proven in study at SFSU

by Lumen Editorial Desk · May 10, 2020 · 2 minute read
lumen next to a Fruit bowl

Lumen’s accuracy has been validated in a new study with San Francisco State University (SFSU). This study examined the validity of Lumen to estimate metabolic fuel utilization in a comparable manner with the gold standard metabolic cart. The study found that Lumen accurately measures metabolism similar to the current gold standard, and conveniently provides real-time metabolic information for users anywhere.

In addition to the new study, Lumen has conducted multiple metabolic studies prior to this study and thus far, all studies have shown that Lumen’s ability to measure metabolic fuel correlates to the gold standard for measuring metabolism. The SFSU study is currently in the review process.



To evaluate the validity of a novel hand-held device (Lumen®) for measuring metabolic fuel utilization in healthy young adults.


Metabolic carts measure the carbon dioxide produced and oxygen consumed from the breath in order to assess metabolic fuel usage (carbohydrates vs. fats). However, these systems are expensive, time-consuming, and only available in the clinic. A small hand-held device capable of measuring metabolic fuel via CO2 was developed.


 Metabolic fuel usage was assessed in healthy participants (n = 33; age: 23.1 ± 3.9 y) via respiratory exchange ratio (RER) values from the “gold-standard” metabolic cart as well as %CO2 from the Lumen device. Measurements were performed at rest in two conditions, fasting, and after consuming 150 grams of glucose in order to determine changes in metabolic fuel. Major axis regression was performed as well as Bland-Altman plots and linear regressions to test for agreement between RER and Lumen %CO2.

Main results

Both RER and Lumen %CO2 significantly increased after glucose intake compared with fasting conditions (p < 0.0001). Regression analyses and Bland-Altman plots revealed an agreement between the two measurements (mean bias = 3.505; limits of agreement = 2.784 – 4.226) with a fixed bias resulting from the nature of the different units.


 This study shows the validity of Lumen® to estimate metabolic fuel utilization in a comparable manner with the “gold-standard” metabolic cart, conveniently providing real-time metabolic information for users anywhere.

Read more about the study here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.05.078980v1

Our contributing team of in-house registered and certified nutritionists, dietitians, scientists, and researchers helping people become metabolically healthier

Lumen Editorial Desk

Our Lumen editorial desk includes an in-house team of certified and registered nutritionists and dietitians, scientists, researchers, and writers.