Weight Loss and Metabolism

New Year's resolutions for weight loss

by Lumen Editorial Desk · December 17, 2023 · 9 minute read
New Years Weight Loss

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your 2024 Weight Loss Goals

This time of year, you may be thinking about setting your weight loss resolution goals. You’re not alone.

Research shows Americans’ top New Year’s resolutions year after year involve long-lasting weight loss and a healthier diet.

But not everyone succeeds. Many people get a burst of motivation at the beginning of the year, but a significant amount will follow quick-acting dietary strategies that are often based on setting unrealistic expectations which leads to people abandoning their weight loss journey prematurely after not getting the results as they had expected.

What’s the solution? Improving your metabolic flexibility for sustainable weight loss.

Ready? Let’s get started.

The Importance of Metabolic Flexibility for a Long-Lasting Weight Loss

Our metabolism is in charge of how efficiently our bodies convert food into energy to use now or store for later. 

An unhealthy metabolism puts you at a greater risk of weight gain, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome, and may eventually lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

A healthy flexible metabolism, on the other hand, not only helps in maintaining long-lasting weight loss by allowing your body to quickly adapt to changes in diet or energy demands, it may also help increase your workout fat burn performance, improve your sleep quality, reduce stress, and keep you more energized.

weight loss resolution for the new year

Sustainable Weight Loss principles

Over 10 million people enter “New Year’s resolution weight loss” related Google searches every January. But despite that surge of motivation, it can be hard to see resolutions throughout the entire year. 

Many still miss the opportunity to make real changes to their health and dive into metabolism tracking according to Ulrike Kuehl, Head of Nutrition at Lumen. Why? They’re overlooking these four “crucial, make-or-break sustainable weight loss principles:

    • Set realistic goals
    • Choose a weight loss program personalized to your metabolism
    • Create new habits and get into a lifestyle shift mindset 
    • Track your progress and get consistent feedback

    Here’s how to set the groundwork to achieve your New Year's weight loss resolutions.

    1. Set Realistic and Attainable New Years Weight Loss Goals

    One of the best things you can do for your long-term health is to set realistic goals in the short term.

    “We see the same repeating phenomena every year, where people’s expectations regarding how much weight they are going to lose, and how fast it will take, is unrealistic. And that often leads to giving up on their weight loss goals too soon,” Kuehl explains. But, “it's actually the gradual ones that lead to a sustainable weight loss for the long run.” 

    How to tell the difference? Programs that promise quick results probably won’t last. Instead, expect to lose weight gradually, for better long-term results.

    "Setting realistic goals is the most important factor for successfully achieving your weight loss goals."
    Ulrike Kühl, Head of Nutrition at Lumen


    2. Personalize Your Weight Loss Plan

    The best weight loss plan for you is one that you can live with, happily, for the long run. It should be dynamic and change over time, even day-to-day. After all, we’re not static individuals — our diets shouldn’t be either.

    "In order to really personalize your weight loss plan,” says Mia Johanna Dige, Lumen’s onboarding expert, “you need first to assess your current metabolic health, taking into consideration your current nutrition habits, including your smoking and alcohol consumption and your regular eating timings. Integrate how much you normally move during daytime as well as your night sleep quality and stress levels.".

    metabolic weight loss

    3. Build New Habits and Shift to a Weight Loss Mindset

    When making big lifestyle changes, it’s important to prepare your environment for success including:

    • Making over your pantry to make healthy foods available
    • Consider not only what foods you eat, but when to eat for optimal metabolic performance
    • Creating space in your home to exercise and replace static with dynamic daily movement
    • Regulate your sleeping habits for a longer period of time

    "The combination of Lumen's metabolic biofeedback and personalized daily meal plans gives me the structure I need to fuel my body for peak performance."
    Maria, 52, Lumen user

    New Nutrition, New Grocery List

    For weight loss success, it’s important to keep unhealthy foods out of sight, and your fridge stocked with healthy ingredients you like that match your nutrition plan. .

    We recommend learning how to recreate healthier versions of your favorite meals. These go-to meals should be tasty, and easy to prepare and their ingredients should be added to your weekly shopping list.

    4. Track Your Progress and Get Consistent Feedback

    Consistent, positive feedback on your efforts is another key to success. Many people track their progress by looking at the numbers on the scale, but you should also evaluate your morning energy levels. Note what you’ve eaten (and when) as well as how you’ve slept, and notice how those factors affect your energy

    “A metabolically flexible person wakes up more often burning fat and shifts easily to burning carbs after eating without storing it as body fat.” says Mia Johanna Dige, Lumen’s metabolic coach.

    new years resolution diet

    Consider these points to help you improve your energy: 

    • Avoid eating and watching TV at least 2 hours before bedtime 
    • Depending on your morning measurement, you can experiment with foods that encourage sleep like nuts, bananas, oatmeal, and lavender tea 
    • Consider whether you need a different pillow or anything else to be more comfortable
    • Note your carb intake. See how lowering it affects you
    "My advice to fellow Lumeners is to make small daily decisions to improve your lifestyle choices - sleep, nutrition, mindset/motivation, and activity. Change takes time, and if you want lasting success, then building consistency is the best way."
    Maria, 52, Lumen user

    Get Consistent Feedback

    Guidance and encouragement go a long way when making a radical change to our lifestyle habits, especially when daily objectives drift and you need to get back on track. Having the support of your family and friends is a great advantage. Joining an online forum with people that share the same goals as yours has also proven to be very effective. 

    Encouragement also goes a long way when making a radical change to our lifestyle, especially when you get off track. Consider joining online forums, like the Lumen Facebook Community, with people that share the same goals as yours. You’ll also be able to get your questions answered.

    “Having a space where you can get support as well as share your concerns and seek lifestyle advice is highly important when aiming to achieve your health goals." Says Alon Rosh, Community Manager at Lumen. "But best of all - after a few years, many existing community members become active in supporting newcomers with their journey, which is simply heartwarming.”

    "I got so much added value (other than weight loss) through the Lumen community. I have learned that I should not be working out as hard as I did. When I started eating more (of the right foods) and exercising less, the fat came off, and now I have more muscle and energy"
    Deanna, 54, Lumen user


    Strive for Progress, Not Perfection

    You won’t always be able to stick to your plan perfectly. You may have an event where you can’t control the food served, a busy day that keeps you from the grocery store, or an illness that keeps you from working out. 

    That’s okay. It doesn’t mean your journey to better health is over, or that you won’t have a healthy lifestyle. The trick is to not get discouraged, but just to begin again the next day.  

    2024 weight loss resolutions

    Top Tips for Weight Loss and Weight Management - According to Lumen Experts:

    Nutritional Food Habit Tips:

    • Fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, and another quarter with protein (like meat, beans, or eggs)
    • Ditch the starchy carbs. Choose brown rice instead of white, and whole grain bread instead of white bread
    • Drink plenty of water

    Meal Timing Tips:

    • Eat most of your carbs at breakfast and lunch, then have a lower-carb dinner to promote overnight fat burning
    • Incorporate fasting to help your body learn to shift into fat burn more easily
    • Eat dinner at least two hours before you go to sleep

    Movement Tips:

    • Integrate movement and workout into your daily routine:
    • Consider replacing driving with walking as much as possible
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
    • Stand up during work or move around for a few minutes instead of continuously sitting

    Sleep Habit Tips:

    • Try eating foods like eggs, salmon, nuts, and seeds two hours before bedtime  
    • Or try other sleep-promoting snacks like bananas, oatmeal, and chamomile tea

      improve sleep to reach weight loss resolutions

      Nutrition is only one part of losing weight

      While nutrition lays the foundation, incorporating a holistic blend of regular physical activity, optimal sleep patterns, and effective stress management all have their significant roles in helping enhance fat burn and natural weight loss. Below are strategies you can incorporate into your weight loss journey and create an all-round healthy lifestyle that will keep you feeling energized, productive, and confident. 

      More Effective Workouts

      While metabolically-balanced nutrition is key for sustainable weight loss, you can also use metabolic movement hacks for more energy when you work out to get greater results.

      “If you’re like me, you always want to know what’s the best fuel before a workout,” says personal trainer Niko Algieri, who advises using Lumen before a workout to figure out if you need extra carbs to be properly fueled. And personal trainer Amoila Cesar adds, “I can measure after a workout, so I know how my metabolism is working.”

      Tips for Incorporating Movement Every Day 

      • Find the right workout for you
      • Make data-driven decisions about pre-workout nutrition
      • Integrate fitness into your weekly routine
      • Track and measure your performance

      1. Find the Right Workout for You

      The best workout, above all, is one that you enjoy. If you dread doing it, you probably won’t. 

      Experiment to find what you do like. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health but dislike the treadmill, try dance, team sports, trail running, biking, hiking, boxing, etc. If you want to build muscle, but can’t stand the gym, try bodyweight exercises, barre, pilates, and yoga, which can all help you get stronger.

      Keep experimenting until you find something you enjoy. 

      “When you actually enjoy something,” says Lumen Coach Cynthia, “you’re most likely to remain consistent, and consistency should be your number one focus to getting positive results from exercise.”

      2. Make Data-Driven Decisions About Pre-Workout Nutrition

      Stumped about what to eat before and after workouts? Preworkout carbs like a sweet potato, a banana, or a smoothie will provide the fuel your muscles need to power through, but being metabolically flexible will also help your body transition from burning carbs to fat. Metabolic flexibility helps ensure you’re getting the best nutrition for good performance, while also optimizing for weight loss.

      "Probably 7 to 8 months into training my metabolism, I started exercising, and that just jumped everything up a notch with my health and losing the weight. It was a fantastic step up in my journey."
      Stephanie, 42, Lumen user

      3. Integrate Fitness Into Your Weekly Routine

      Many experts recommend creating a reliable habit to get your workouts in - so maybe you run first thing in the morning, or hit your favorite exercise class on your way home from work. 

      But even if your time is limited, moving your body is vital for developing and maintaining a healthy metabolism. So start small, if that’s all you have time for, or consider making changes to your schedule to fit it in. Aim to exercise at least 30 minutes, three times per week at a minimum. If you struggle to exercise consistently, you can still make conscious choices to get in more movement every day.

      4. Track and Measure Your Performance

      How can you tell your fitness is improving? You may notice improvements in your physical endurance and body composition. Your run might feel easier, or your clothes might fit better. Regular movement is great for your mental health too, so you may find yourself handling stress better, having more energy, or even smiling more.  

      Top Outdoor Movement Tips - According to Lumen Experts  

      • If possible, walk or bike to work
      • When driving, park in the back of the lot to get more steps in
      • Take the stairs
      • Stand up and move around 3-5 minutes for every hour you’re seated
      • Do vigorous strength workouts using your body weight for resistance

      Getting in tune with your metabolism — knowing how, when, and what to eat — can also help ensure you’re burning the right amount of carbs or stored body fat for your health goals.

      weight loss goals and fitness

      Sleep and Metabolism: How to Increase Your Metabolism and How to Sleep Better

      Sleep and boosting your metabolism are intricately connected. If you struggle with sleep, you may find it difficult to improve your metabolic health. And if you’re metabolically unhealthy, you may not sleep well.

      According to Noa Shani, one of Lumen’s metabolic coaches, “Sleep deprivation can actually cause changes in your glucose levels, metabolism, and hormonal function.”

      But that’s not all. “There is a very strong correlation between food, digestion, and sleep,” explains sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus. “Eating at the right time can facilitate a night of good and restorative sleep.”

      "There's a very strong correlation between food, digestion, and sleep. Eating at the right time can facilitate a night of good and restorative sleep."
      Dr Michael Breus, Lumen expert

      So if you improve your metabolism, you’ll improve your sleep - and vice versa.

      Most people need at least 7 hours each night for optimal health. Plus, Lumen found that their users who get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night lose more weight and are more active than those who get just 4-6 hours per night.

      “Ideally, your body will use carbs throughout the day,” explains Dr. Breus, “Then, in the evening, when you are resting, your body should shift into fat-burning mode and use fat as fuel to support healthy rest.”

      "I knew that sleep was the body's best way of repairing itself, both the brain and physically - so I just let my body do that. Sleep has been an underrated key. "
      Maria, 52, Lumen user

      Top Tips to Get the Rest You Need - According to Lumen Experts

      • Turn off screens in the hour before bedtime. They can affect sleep rhythms
      • Spend time in the sun during the day, which can help reset your sleep cycle
      • Sleep in a dark, cool room
      • Stop drinking caffeinated drinks (like coffee, soda, and tea) at 2:00 pm
      • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on the weekends
      • Avoid eating late at night, which could make it more difficult to fall asleep

      Boost Your Energy and Decrease Your Stress

      Though you may want to lose weight and exercise more, the real goal behind those resolutions might be to become more energetic and less stressed.  

      Metabolic flexibility is probably still the key to both. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist who works with Lumen, metabolic flexibility contributes to “better overall health, better stress management, and feeling more energized and less sluggish.”

      Follow these Tips by Lumen Experts

      • Foster a healthy mind in a healthy body
      • Workout to reduce stress
      • Eat these brain foods in 2024

      Foster a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

      Striving to meet extreme health goals may seem like the right choice, but pushing yourself beyond your limits can do more harm than good for your mental health — and may backfire anyway.

      “Our bodies are able to handle stress well,” explains Lumen expert Noa Shani, “but only in small doses. Once it becomes more persistent it can actually wreak havoc on our health.” She explains that prolonged stress can contribute to weight gain, poorer diet choices, and being less active. 

      Why does stress have this effect? Stress decreases your metabolic flexibility, making it more difficult for your body to burn fat for fuel - which can leave you feeling tired and unmotivated, and craving sugar or carbs.

      "Metabolic flexibility is important for better overall health, better stress management, and feeling more energized and less sluggish."
      Dr Caroline Leaf, Lumen expert

      Top Stress-Reducing Hacks - According to Lumen Experts 

      • Choose more fruits and vegetables, limit processed foods, and drink plenty of water
      • Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night
      • Practice mindful movement, like yoga, taking a walk or running
      • Practice deep breathing for 5 minutes each day
      • Keep a gratitude or reflection journal

      Top Brain Foods in 2024 - According to Lumen Experts

      Food is powerful, and the food choices you make can even affect your brain. Choose nutrient-rich, high-quality, minimally processed foods as often as you can. Here are our top choices for focus, mood, and energy:

      • Salmon, an excellent source of brain-boosting omega-3 fats
      • Blueberries, rich in powerful cognition-enhancing antioxidants
      • Green tea, its combination of caffeine and L-theanine can boost focus and calmness
      • Leafy green vegetables, loaded with antioxidants and nutrients for energy and brain function

      weight loss goals and stress

      A Healthy Lifestyle Is In Reach 

      New Year’s Resolutions present a great opportunity to kickstart healthy habits, and metabolic flexibility offers a way to work toward all of your health goals at once. The best part? You have the power to improve your metabolic flexibility. 

      But, like any radical change, there are a few “make or break” principles to be aware of - like the importance of nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress management. 

      Incorporating all four of these principles into your life can help you become more metabolically flexible, making it easier to achieve your health goals. 

      We hope these tools help you make 2024 your healthiest year yet. We’d love to help!

      "I have been training my metabolic flexibility for close to a year now. I have lost 42lbs in eleven months and I am happier, I'm healthier, I exercise more, and I feel good and more confident."
      Stephanie, 42, Lumen user


      1. Araújo J, Cai J, Stevens J. Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2016. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2019;17(1):46-52. doi:10.1089/met.2018.0105
      2. National Health Service. Metabolic syndrome. December 3, 2019. Accessed December 14, 2022. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/metabolic-syndrome
      3. Tahrani AA, Morton J. Benefits of weight loss of 10% or more in patients with overweight or obesity: A review. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2022;30(4):802-840. doi:10.1002/oby.23371
      4. Smiley A, King D, Bidulescu A. The Association between Sleep Duration and Metabolic Syndrome: The NHANES 2013/2014. Nutrients. 2019;11(11):2582. Published 2019 Oct 26. doi:10.3390/nu11112582
      5. Travica N, D'Cunha NM, Naumovski N, et al. The effect of blueberry interventions on cognitive performance and mood: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Brain Behav Immun. 2020;85:96-105. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2019.04.001
      6. Mancini E, Beglinger C, Drewe J, Zanchi D, Lang UE, Borgwardt S. Green tea effects on cognition, mood and human brain function: A systematic review. Phytomedicine. 2017;34:26-37. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2017.07.008
      Our contributing team of in-house registered and certified nutritionists, dietitians, scientists, and researchers helping people become metabolically healthier

      Lumen Editorial Desk

      Our Lumen editorial desk includes an in-house team of certified and registered nutritionists and dietitians, scientists, researchers, and writers.